Geflüchtete und Papierlose Menschen werden weltweit kriminalisiert

Parallel to the “official” narrative of the United States still taught in most classrooms is an alternative people’s history. Ten years ago, Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove edited a nearly 700-page anthology of stirring speeches and writing that inspired positive change in the US. Get the 10th Anniversary Edition of “Voices of a People’s History of the United States” now by clicking here and contributing to Truthout.

The following remarks were made by Gustavo Madrigal-Piña at the University of Georgia in 2011. Piña was responding to harsh Georgia laws criminalizing immigrants and prohibiting “Dreamers” from attending the top public universities in the state. It is included in the updated Voices of a People’s History of the United States:

– “I Am Undocumented and I Am Unafraid”-gegen Kriminalisierung –