New York City

Body Cams Work, if They’re Used Right

The police officer who shot and killed 15-year-old Jordan Edwards last month in Balch Springs, Tex., was charged with murder on Friday after the Police Department determined from body-camera images and other information that deadly force had been unwarranted. But like most jurisdictions, the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office — which is investigating this case — has no written body-cam policy and has made no decisions about making the footage public. Many communities adopted body cams in the wake of the public outcry over the police killings of Philando Castile, Eric Garner, Laquan McDonald, Walter Scott, Tamir Rice and others. The…

New York City Policing, by the Numbers

The warnings began even before Bill de Blasio was sworn in as New York City’s mayor in January 2014. A safe New York depended on the aggressive policing tactics that began in the 1990s and flourished under Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his police commissioner, Ray Kelly. Without those tactics, the doomsayers said, the city would be swamped by a 1970s-style crime wave. After a federal judge ruled in 2013 that the Police Department’s “stop and frisk” policy was so sweeping that it violated the Constitution, Mr. Kelly was furious. “Violent crime will go up,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the…